Simple JavaScript Letter Draw
JavaScript code that creates a cool letter etching animation

Write your own HTTP Server?
I have an idea for an application that may one day be all moved to the web. However, my day to day job, and therefore the most of my...

.NET Standard Simple HTTP Server: Websockets
Source: https://github.com/Corey255A1/BareBonesHttpServer Suggested Reading: Previous Post: https://www.wundervisionenvisionthefuture.com...

.NET Standard Simple HTTP Server
Like the title suggests, we are going to build a simple HTTP Server. https://github.com/Corey255A1/BareBonesHttpServer Suggested Reading...

WunderVision PIOT (Phase 3)
If you have been following along, a while back I demoed the ability to take apart one of those 3 outlet remote controls and rig it up in...